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A member registered Feb 10, 2022

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I already like this a lot. Here are some bugs that I've found, though I'm sure you're probably already aware of most of these.

  • The Hero can leave the dungeon via the opening in the bottom. The Minotaur can follow, but their camera will not leave the dungeon.
  • When you return to the lobby, both players default to readied.
  • If player 2 readies and then leaves the lobby, the person joining in their place will appear as already readied on the host's screen only. This allows the host to start the game without this new player even pressing Ready on their end.

As for suggested features, I'd love to see a way to host and join public lobbies. It would also be nice to have a secondary objective for the Hero - even something as simple as collecting treasure as it appears throughout the map for a high score. It doesn't necessarily have to be a win condition, but something to work towards would make the chase more interesting. It also might make sense to add 'finishing' animations for the erotic scenes.